@ 8:13 AM
ALERT! WARNING! -Swine Flu on the lose-
155 confirmed deaths in the whole world, 154 from Mexico and 1 from USA. Lotsa people didnt come to school today, 6. Many more are sick of flu. What kind? Swine? Hope not! Choy choy! Im so evil... Haha
Made a pact to myself today. NO PORK NO LARD until the swine flu is over. Please excuse me my muslim friends, Gomenasai! Been to the night classes for 3 days now with miraculous results. Able to study with the presence of friends and most importantly... *Drums rolling* AIR-CON!
Seriously melting these few days. Subliming as we speak or in this case typing..
Now about lunch.. Went BK (burger king) for lunch and had a Whopper upsized meal. Only me and JunLe was eating the Whoppers. Almost the size of my hand. Missed the flavour of Whopper, had it the last time at Changi ariport when departing for Vietnam.
Delicious. Mouth-watering. Drools.
"Gazing into the blank sky,
Looking for that Star,
Which star will it be? "
Status: Dreaming?
Quote: Good opportunities don't come twice.
@ 12:00 AM
I have returned...Life's rolling the same way. Everyday seems like Deja-Vu. Over and over it ends and begins yet again. Ytd was PTC, met with Mr Chew with BOTH my mum and dad. Shan't elaborate further on what happened. Praises. All praises though i failed 4 subjects. Weird? Nonetheless i should buck up with my studies, therefore i might not be on9 that often anymore. Dont cry pals! HahasJust had KFC for lunch, tried the Cheesy BBQ Meltz. Delicious, Ooeeshi! Injured two of my fingers during basketball on thur and it still hurts now as we speak. Every single time i bend it or move it. Aw, Aw, AW! Just started getting addicted to this anime called "Toradora". About a young boy Takasu and a palm-top tiger girl Taiga. Shan't elaborate further for fear of spoiling the surprise! Haha You guys should check it out, its hilarious. (: I feel like im Takasu Ryuuji, cos i have the same scary face and eyes. Haish No wonder im still single... Anyways Kusheida Minorin (Pink haired girl) is HOT! and so is Ami and Aisaka Taiga! Haha! Think im gg go horny-mode alrdy! Haha! - sorry for being so open, gomenasai!
Status: Lollipoping around.
Quote: What you think of yourself is what you will show.
@ 3:39 AM
The pain..the agony. The feeling of glue being wiped on the body, the feeling of heat like standing beside the oven whilst its working. The heat.. The damn weather. Burning, melting...
Hey'all! Other then the killing weather, everythings quite fine. Did some 'self-mutilation' on my arm in class today. Using black, blue and red pens. Fooled some dummies though -.- Ah Ping and Fazilah thought that it was real. Haha! Maybe can become one of those scary movie make-up artist.
Appetite's really increasing these few weeks. Eating way lot more than usual, skali i gg become fat. Thinking abt eating.. I MISS MY PASSIONFRUIT. Damn.. Havent eaten it for a month or so, love the sweet.sour combination. Many people dislike it, man im a weirdo.. Haha
Dieing of boredom. *Bleed Bleed Bleed* Feeling like gg on a long holiday.. Wish i could get a job at the Great Barrier Reef, just taking photos and updating the Tourism Blog. 6mths for USD150,000! Showed the website to Huda and she was like, WOAH! Huda-"I love taking pictures and getting sunburned!" Haha.. A dream job for anyone yo!
Hinata! Woo! 
Status: Turning into a gayfish.
Quote: -NIL-
@ 7:11 AM
Hey y'all! Today have both good and bad news. Good news: Had NAFA 5 station test today, did my best and came out great. These are my results of the test. The points i earned are stated beside in brackets.
Sit and Reach: 44 (4)
Standing Broad Jump: 234 (3)
Pull-ups: 8 (5)
Sit-ups: 44 (5)
Shuttle Run: 8.91 secs (5)
The total points i gathered, 22.(w/o 2.4km) Points needed for gold? 21 and above (: Hahas i did it! Proud of my acheivements, although i tink i could have done better. Sit-ups was dissapointing, wanted 50 and above. Oh well.. I always aim bit too high Hahas
After that went for basketball with my homies. Lousy gameplay by myself today. Oh well.. Still have room for improvement to make.
Bad news: Received all of my MYE papers today. SS 22/50 and Geo 26/50, combine marks fail by 1. Maths failed, marks arnd 40+. Eng gt 61/100, only needed 4 marks to get a B3. Dissapointing. At least it will show me where i stand and how much i need to improve for my O levels. Oh well. Missing you so badly... I just wish that i could...
Quote: Shoot for the moon and if you miss, you will land among the stars.
@ 7:05 PM
I was a fool, i was making decisions blindfolded. After i read wad you wrote last night it opened my eyes. You were right our frenship which took so much effort and time to forge was to be destroyed just like that. Why did i even make such decisions?
Building is dificult but destroying is easy and i was about to do just that. Guess i was doing things w/o thinking abt the dire consequences. Tot that everything would be fine overtime. Just hope for everyone to be happy and for me to move on. Not realising it would turn out this way.
The truth just smacked me right in the face. Im really sorry for hurting you this much. You were never in the wrong, i was the one. I just could'nt frigging let go. Wished i was strong, guess i needed help. I know that you're sick of this and i intend to end it right now. I sense that you somehow think differently of me? Please dont think that way, im the same me just made the wrong choices.I just keep contradicting, i cant think straight when im stressed out. Saying this but doing otherwise. The "counseller" needs to be counselled. Let's just dump this crappy me behind, i wanna change, be a better person. I just need some time to myself i guess?
Let's start anew then. Instead of us walking our separate paths why not walk on the same one together? I'll try to safe our frenship. Let's enjoy the last of the time we have left. I ask for your forgiveness.Trying to heal the wound that i tore open.
Quote: -NIL-
@ 3:19 AM
Vello everybody~ (Frenchtone) Today had english prelim oral exam, just finished. Talked abt buisness, kindergarden and women working these days. Reading the passage the teacher seems impressed, inside i high! haha Then moved on to picture, had nth much to say. Conversation.. The Freaking Teacher keep cut me... Havent say finish she cut. I knw that when the teacher stop you means you will get gd grades rdy. BUT i have even more points to talk abt... Waste my marks only. Oh well...Proceed outside DM rm to watch my homies play V-ball. Norm, Ah hua and all. On the way down Surprise! Surprise! saw a beauty, bball girl. High ar! Then went to shoot some hoops wit kn and JL. Played horse. LOVED the 2pt wind-mill chop! Luck.. just luck Then wk came and we played 2v2. 7-4 me and JL won. More High! Now sitting here posting, waiting for mum to cook dinner. Gg out cycling ltr wif kn, JL and wk. Cant wait.. Meanwhile planning the class cycling trip to changi Loyang chalet. Must plan the way thr, which route, short-cuts and detours just in case. Ms kom seems pretty raved up by it, really entu. This trip will really put my leadership capabilities to the test. Planning a 5 man team per group. One map reader at the front, one fast rider at the back to keep the pace. Must bring spare tires, tools and grease. Lucky my dad taught me howda fix bikes. Last Good news! Scored 80/100 for chem, 18/20 for MCQ and 50/65 for paper3. Alryte then, until nx time Sayonara..Its hard to build something but easy to destroy. All it takes is a wrong decision.Quote: Results matter and not hours of long work.
@ 6:43 PM
Hey y'all! Sorry for not posting for quite awhile. Was gg thru the MYE exams. Ytd had Jogathon at Chinese Garden, 2.4km run walked half the way with kn. He couldnt run cos drank Oolong Cha gt stomach ache Lols.
Moral: Dont drink Oolong Cha before exercising (:
Then went to Lot1 with Junle and co. for lunch. Pizza Hut style! Ate chicken pasta, mushroom soup and free-flow coke for $6.90. The portions were small so it wasnt very filing, kinda wasted my money hahas Later went together with my mum to my check-up, removed the last piece of scalp. Breathing much easier now then before.
Reading Manga with all my spare time, catching up on Naruto. Other than ytd activity, nth much happening in my life. Seems my life is much of a stale one.
I wan to see my future! Wanna see what i become, what i do, whats my life gonna be like. All the qns coming out. Then i also wanna change my past, make my life perfect. Make ME perfect. Remove the flaws in myself, erase the mistakes i made. But oh well, thats nt possible. At least i can still day-dream abt it hahas!
Almost tried to do something that i'll regret, heng i hold it back. If not, wow its really gonna sting. Wishing for this and that. Mostly my wants are impossible to get. M-Fker why everything is impossible nia.
Trying to live a life of no regrets. So lonely w/o ____.
Quote: Our greatest glory is not in never failing but in rising everytime we fail.
I Don't Think I Love You
By Hoobastank
I wonder what you'll take from me today
Sanity or just me breath away
It's hard to say
Impossible for me to tell
What always walking on egg shells
Who you're going to be from day to day today
I wish that we would go back
To what we were before
But I don't think that I love you anymore,anymore
Wonder why it is that you don't see
What you've changed since we first met
And how much that is killing me
Know that I will always miss
The butterflies of our first kiss
And how you use to smile so easily
I wish that we would go back
To what we were before
But I don't think that I love you anymore,anymore
It's too hard to keep pretending
It's too hard to ignore
But I don't think that I love you anymore,anymore
I'm sorry,I'm sorry
I never thought that it will come to this
I know I'll never get back
To how we were before
Cause I know that I don't love you anymore
It's too hard to keep pretending
It's too hard to ignore
But I know that I don't love you anymore,anymore
I'm sorry...
So Close, So Far
By Hoobstank
I wake up all alone, somewhere unfamiliar
Been gone so many days, I’m losing count
When I think of home, I see your face
I know I have to wait
So close, yet so far
It’s tearing me apart
What I would do to be there with you
So close yet so far
It’s tearing me apart
What I would do to be back with you
I miss hearing your laughter
And all the little things
Forgotten what it’s like to hold you
Cause where I am right now so unforgiving
It’s numbing everything
So close, yet so far
It’s tearing me apart
What I would do to be there with you
So close yet so far
It's tearing me apart
What I would do to be back with you
So promise
No matter how long it takes for me to get back to you
You’ll wait for me
I Promise
No matter how far away I go I’ll come back for you
Just wait and see
I miss being at home
I miss your face
Don’t think I can wait
We’re So close, yet so far
It’s tearing me apart
What I would do to be there with you
So close yet so far
It’s tearing me apart
What I would do to be back with you
I promise
It’s tearing me apart
No matter how far away I go I’ll come back for you
I promise
Its tearing me apart
What I would do
What I would do
What I would do to be there with you
jun le
king ngee
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
.Making a mistake and not correcting it is making another mistake
.Good opportunities don't come twice
.What you think of yourself is what you will show
.Shoot for the moon and if you miss, you will land among the stars
.Results matter and not hours of long work
.Our greatest glory is not in never failing but in rising everytime we fail
.It is not the fittest who survive but the opportunist
.Never put off tomorrow what you can do today
.Success is a journey not a destination
.Good medicine always taste bad
.Losing is the norm, winning is a blessing
.Dont catch what you cant kill
.There is no failure only learning experience
.A rolling stone gathers no moss
.Whats done cannot be undone, the damage is done but the scar remains
.Dont do something you will live to regret
.It does not matter how many times you fail but if you fail to try again
.The past is not equal to the future
.Dont wait for things to happen, make it happen
.Learn to let go if you want to hold on